This past weekend marked the beginning of a new chapter. Saturday and Sunday everything I own was packed onto a U-Haul truck and moved into a storage facility. I am so thankful for my neighbors because without them it never would have been completed, and today would have arrived and I would have lost everything.
I suppose I should back up a bit for those unfamiliar with what has been going on in my life the past several months. In mid-September my house was foreclosed and bought by the mortgage company at auction. I knew they would have to go through the formal eviction procedure as I was still living in the house at the time. In late October I received the summons to go to court for unlawful detainee charges, and on November 4 the judge gave me 10 days to vacate the premises. That brings me to today, day 10.
While all this was transpiring I was actively searching for a new place to live. Not an easy task when you require a certain number of rooms to accommodate everything and everyone. See, my mom is moving up from Florida to move in with me so there needs to be room for both of us as well as space for her home office. I thought I'd found a place right off the bat, but we were rejected before ever putting in an application due to my foreclosure and credit. I actually believe that has been our biggest hurdle for all the places we've applied. I have an application I am supposed to hear back about today, and I am praying it is positive. Living in limbo isn't fun.
Last night Fluffy, Mina and I moved in to my friend Gena's house. I have the sofa and the cats, well they can fight for whatever space they can find. See, I am the fifth adult to move into the house and there are 3 small children and multiple other animals as well. So it's a bit cramped, but I am so very thankful to Gena for giving me a roof over my head. Otherwise, I'd be literally homeless right now.
I don't think the full reality hit me until yesterday when I was pulling out of the driveway for the last time. That was the first time I'd cried in weeks. I cried several times last night, and I feel as if I could cry right now. I'm also incredibly exhausted as I slept very little last night – if I got 2 hours sleep it's a lot. This isn't helping the migraine I've had growing since sometime during the night either. It's a surreal feeling not having a home of your own and knowing all your belongings are somewhere else. I'm thankful to still have the kitties because they are a comfort to me right now, even though they aren't very happy with me for uprooting their little lives. They will adjust, and so will I.
I don't know how I would have survived these past months without the love and support of my mom and the angels in my life. I know I don't say thank you often enough, but I do always appreciate everything that is done for me. I'm also thankful for my job which is a constant way of staying rooted. I have the best boss in the world and am lucky he's been so understanding these past months. Now I just need to find a place to live and get everything moved so Mom can move up and we can begin a chapter of life together.
If you are reading this, I don't ask for much – just a kind thought or prayer. I know things will work out for the best, I just don't know when. Thank you, my friends, for your support. It means the world to me.