On the one year anniversary (aka surgiversary) of my gastric bypass surgery I decided to make a list of things I’ve learned over the past year:
· First and foremost I’ve learned that I am a much stronger person than I’ve ever imagined. Having your insides rearranged isn’t simple or easy, nor is the lifestyle that must be maintained afterward.
· I’ve also learned that I tolerate sugar very well (not good to know) and that too much fat and I are not friends (definitely good to know).
· I’ve learned which protein drinks/powders/bars I like and dislike, and that at any given time that could change. You just gotta love the ever changing taste buds. LOL
· I’ve accepted the hair loss I experienced and am rejoicing in the new hair growth.
· “Head hunger” is evil and will do its best to make you overeat and eat the wrong things. At one year out I rarely feel true bodily hunger, and because of this I have to remind myself to eat.
· Dehydration happens very easily. If I don’t drink at least 64 ounces each day I immediately feel dryness in my skin and increased thirst.
· Exercise is my friend: whether it’s at the gym, home or somewhere else.
· It is fun to be able to fit into spaces I couldn’t just a matter of months earlier.
· I have more energy.
· During the melting stage Goodwill is my friend: they accept the clothes I can no longer wear and sell gently worn clothing for a very reasonable price.
· I’m an inspiration to others.
I’m sure there are many other things I’ve learned but these are the ones that come to the forefront of my mind. Of course I also know that without the love and support of my family and friends I would have a much harder time with my journey. I am very thankful to have so many who have been here for me over the past year, and who will continue to be by my side.