Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Woo hoo!

Today is 3 weeks after surgery, and 3.5 weeks from my final pre-op doctor's appointment... and I've lost 29 pounds!  I'm excited about this as well as a NSV (non-scale victory) I had last night.  Years ago I was given a birthstone ring by my mom.  I've only ever been able to wear it on my right hand ring finger - it's a size 7.5.  Well yesterday I noticed it was fitting a bit loose so I started playing with it, and just for giggles put it on my left hand ring finger... and it fit!  I have noticed some of my clothes fitting a bit more loosely than before, but others not so much.  I know it's a matter of time so I'm not discouraged in the least.  I can honestly say I am very pleased with my progress thus far.

Last night I made a yummy cheese quiche.  Lots of protein in a 2 oz serving.  Next time I'll precook some broccoli or spinach to put in it as well.  Regarding the protein, some days I have very little trouble hitting or getting close to the 85g I'm supposed to get, but others it is an absolute struggle.  The same goes for my liquid intake (64 oz), but I know that is partly due to restraints on how I can drink.  I'd love to be able to chug a bottle of water at times, but it's not possible.  Well, I could try but I'd probably end up very uncomfortable and burping for hours.  Not pleasant.

I think it's nearly time for me to do my first load of laundry since surgery.  My wardrobe has been pretty limited to pajamas and lounge wear since surgery, so the supply of those is getting low... not to mention under garments.  LOL  Sadly laundry is always a necessary evil (just like dishes... which need to be done again too...)

As for the rest of today, I think I'm just going to relax.  I have a bit of a sinus headache and it's making me want to curl up and nap with the kitties.  Sounds like a good idea...

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