Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Ending the month with a bang!

I suppose promising myself I'd blog something every day wasn't the best idea.  Best laid plans and all that...  But I do try to blog when there is something on my mind or something important to me.  Today is one of those days.

As most of my close friends know I've been actively looking for work since the end of February/beginning of March.  Nothing has really panned out except a temp agency specializing in medical practices, and they haven't had any positions available.  I did go on another interview after that for a receptionist position in a pediatric dentistry practice and when I left I didn't have a good feeling.  I'm not really surprised I never heard from them.  Then the beginning of last week I had a message regarding one of the resumes I'd sent out.  I called and spoke to the gentleman and set up an interview for last Thursday.  Interview #1 went well, and I learned that the company does a 3-part interview system to make sure they have the right people for the jobs.  Friday was set to be a telephone interview but due to an emergency it was postponed until Monday.  Today was my final interview, and I went into it very positive and expecting the best.  I was offered the position!  *happy dance*

I begin training May 10th, but before then I need to finish a licensing class and pass the state exam so I can sell life and health insurance.  No problem.  Everyone says the property and casualty classes and exam are harder and I passed that one just fine.  I will be working for Insphere Insurance Solutions as an independent contractor, which means although they pay me I am basically my own boss.  I like that.  Once licensed and trained I will be selling life, health, long-term care and retirement plans - oh, and they provide all the leads with no cost to me.  Needless to say I'm excited about this new step my career is taking!

Also, as of this morning I have hit the 69.8 lbs mark - just 13 weeks out of surgery!  I'm well on my way to reaching my goal - although running out of clothes that fit is a bit frustrating.  LOL

I'm also trying to get all my plants re-potted so they can enjoy the Spring weather.  I've bought larger pots for the two rose trees and have two miniature roses on their way to be put in the existing pots.  I planted some strawberry plants for Gloria, and I have a lovely purple daisy and a lavender plant to transplant.  Goodness knows it will keep me busy!

For tonight, however I think I will relax.

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