Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Just one of those days...

It's been a long day for me, and the heat didn't make it any more bearable.  I had a job interview at 9:30 which I had high hopes for but left feeling a bit empty.  The position is for a receptionist in a pediatric dental practice, which is just fine by me.  I love kids and I do well in positions where I interact with people (I was more a less a glorified receptionist at Allstate for most of my years there).  However, some of the questions in the interview baffled me and left me with an uncomfortable feeling:  am I married and do I have children.  I didn't think to ask what it mattered, but in hindsight wish I had.  It might help relieve this unpleasant feeling I have regarding the entire 15 minutes I spent with him.

From the interview I went to have my taxes prepared.  I'm a bit behind this year with only 8 days left to file.  The news there was not even remotely good.  Apparently having income solely from accounts I was beneficiary of does bad things to your tax percentage and such.  So between the Federal and State returns I owe somewhere around $5000.  This takes me way out of my comfort zone.

Quite honestly all sorts of worse case scenarios popped into my head after the interview and finding out I owe on my taxes.  I had images of not finding a job, losing my car and my house.  Certainly not the best of feelings, or the way I had planned to spend my day.  By this time it was early afternoon and about 90° outside... I was miserable.  I went home to change into more comfortable (aka non-interview) clothes and have a bite to eat.  The kitties both looked like they had wilted onto the floor they were so warm, and I didn't feel a whole lot better myself.

I met up with Gena around 3:00 and we had pedicures.  Something about having a bad day just makes me want to have someone pamper me, and I enjoyed it.  My toenails are now a lovely shade of metallic green/teal.  From there we went to Kohl's to check out clearance racks.  I found a couple things for the kids to give them for their birthdays (the boys turned 1 on March 20 and Laila turned 3 today, but their party isn't until the 17th), and a couple shirts dirt cheap to put aside for myself.

The highlight of my day came as dinner was coming to an end.  We met up with everyone (Amanda, Dani, Heather and the kids) at Ryan's and I got to sit between Laila and Bryce.  Laila received a musical Ariel card that has Ariel singing a bit of "Part of Your World" - which she loved.  She was showing everyone her card and Heather told her to show it to Aunt Sarah, so my little angel handed it to me.  I opened it up so the music started playing and sang along with Ariel.  The look in that little girl's eyes as she watched and listened to me sing touched me beyond words.  It was just the sweetest thing and I nearly cried.  That made all the crap earlier in the day worthwhile.

Now I'm home and relaxing, and trying not to stress over things.  I'm trying to remain positive and remind myself that everything happens for a reason.  I will continue to pray that a job is offered to me, and I hope that you will add me to your prayers as well (or even just keep me in your thoughts).


Inkibus said...

Oh, you are always in my thoughts! ~glomp~
Staying positive is the right thing.
But on these days, it's a mental train wreck and it feels like the box-cars keep piling up on each other.

Karien Barnes Art said...

Just think positive Sarah. If you feel down email me, always there for you.