Thursday, January 14, 2010

Got hunger?

I really don't have much on my mind regarding the surgery today.  However, last night I found that my stomach would not stop growling.  I had already ingested my alloted servings for the day and no amount of water and gum chewing was helping.  Finally I gave up and went to be in hopes that I could sleep.  (I eventually did.)  Today hasn't been too bad hunger-wise.  I find it interesting that I had more problems last night than the previous one.  I guess my body was just trying to do all it could to make me eat.  Well it's not gonna work.  I am committed to this!

Today my thoughts have mostly been on Haiti and it's people.  I have done what I can by donating to two different organizations providing aid to the nation.  I look at the news reports and images and just find myself in tears.  Please, find it in your hearts to say a prayer for these people - even if you cannot help them financially.


Liz said...

Hello Sarah; what you are doing is hard yet you are going through it despite how challenging and difficult it is. Will be following you.

Sarah "Avara" Griffith said...

Thanks, Liz! :D