Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Tests, Day 1

I've been up for 8 hours now, and have surprisingly accomplished quite a bit.  I left the house at 6:00 in order to be at the hospital on time for my 7:30 registration time.  I actually arrived at 7:00 so I got things moving along a little early.  

I had three pre-op tests/requirements today:  A chest x-ray, sonogram and UGI (a type of x-ray/scan where they use dye).  The sonogram was first up, and quite honestly if I don't have bruises from it I'll be surprised.  I realize I'm not a skinny person but the tech seemed to be using excessive force with the scanner thingy.  (Don't you love the technical terminology?)  As much pain as her pushing was the whole "take a deep breath and hold it" thing got a bit old.  Especially the three times she seemed to forget to tell me to exhale.  Blue as a skin color just isn't working for me.  Next up was the chest x-rays, which was a walk in the park.  Then came the fun part, the UGI.  The tech is explaining to me what is going to happen and I sort of understood her but 30 seconds after she finished explaining it all, I had not a thought in my head.  *sigh*  Thankfully the doctor told me what to do and when.  It starts out with standing on a platform and doing a "shot" of this stuff like Alka-Seltzer.  Except you're not allowed to burp.  Then you drink a huge gulp of this nasty white stuff.  Now the real fun begins... suddenly the platform you are standing on reclines into a table - while you're on it!  That was actually the neatest part of it all.  LOL  Then I had to (as the doctor put it) do a "log roll" on the table - completely roll all the way over.  That is so the dye fully coats the stomach.  Then lots of images are done whilst in uncomfortable positions... only to be followed by yet one more nasty liquid.  This one you sip on command while images are taken.  Boy was I happy when that was over.  The doctor was really nice though and tried to make an unpleasant situation fun.  He commented that their variety of cocktails must be really great after not being allowed any food or water since midnight the previous night.  Sure, doc.  LOL

The best part of the morning was chugging the 16 oz of water I'd brought with me after the final test was done.  Then I met with the surgery coordinator and answered a lot of questions and signed paperwork.

Oh, and my annoyance from last night turned out to be nothing.  They do accept credit cards so I'm all paid up.  Go me.

Now I really think a nap is in order...


Anonymous said...

Yay for the first day!

I had to have a similar test done once. But it was really fun (the bill was much less fun though)

I had to swallow this thing that looked a lot like liquid plaster but tasted slightly better ;)
And I stood in that x-ray thingy too :P
The coolest part is that I got to watch as my skeleton was swallowing this substance it was so fascinating to see my own skeleton in motion!

Unknown said...

Sarah! What a journey this will be. We'll be there with you to push you on, or just stand still with you. Don't worry, you're surrounded with friends. Virtual (like me) and your "real" friends, I'm sure. You are quite brave to have made this decision and I'm sure it is what is right for you. Like you said, much thought has gone in to making such a life change. You're going to be gorgeous! I'm sure it's not all about looks but also about your ongoing health and all that you want to do in your life that possibly you feel limited on right now. I am trying to say that I think it's wonderful to make such a life affirming decision. I'm not saying it right, but I hope you know what I mean! LOL

You're awesome!

CafeCat said...

I like that your blogging this so I can keep up with your new Journey

Sarah "Avara" Griffith said...

Thanks, ladies. :) I thought using my blog for this purpose was really a great idea. I'll most likely add some photos as the journey continues to help give visuals of my journey. :D